
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2012

2 Juan 4-9

Las lecturas hoy nos hablan del fin del mundo y como preparar por esos días. La lectura de la segunda carta del apóstol san Juan 4-9 nos habla de lo que debemos hacer mientras esperamos por el día del Señor. Primer Juan expresa su alegría: “Me he alegrado muchísimo al encontrar a algunos hijos tuyos que viven en la verdad, según el mandamiento que hemos recibido del Padre”. Después comienza una exhortación a vivir en el amor: “Y ahora te ruego: amémonos los unos a los otros. Con lo cual no te comunico un nuevo mandamiento, sino el que tenemos desde el principio”.      Luego para que hay claridad nos indica unas notas de amor: “(1)El amor consiste en vivir de acuerdo con los mandamientos de Dios. Y (2) el mandamiento que ustedes han aprendido desde el principio es que vivan en el amor. (1)     (El amor) es   (vivir de acuerdo con los mandamientos) (2)     (el mandamiento) es (vivir en el amor) Suponemos que “el...
 From Fr. Z: QUAERITUR: Are priests required to wear clerical dress at all times? Posted on 15 November 2012 by Fr. John Zuhlsdorf From a reader: Are preist required to wear them at all times? Im sure you’ve been asked this before. I’m a new reader I cant find the answer on your blog. I’ve tried for two months. Can you answer or refer me to it? Thank you. P.S I really like your site. I have indeed written about this. No… and yes. I’ll explain. First, let it be said that  there is a relationship between  habitus   (dress) and  habitus  (character, disposition) .   This is one reason why Holy Church does lay down some guidelines for priests without making them iron-clad dictates.  They are for the good of the priest himself and for the good of the Catholic people and for the good of society as a whole. At all times?  Let’s make some distinctions.  When I, a cleric, put on clothing, it is therefore c...

Homilía Domingo XXXII, Inmaculada concepción de la divina providencia

LA INMACULADA CONCEPCIÓN DE LA DIVINA PROVIDENCIA INTRODUCCIÓN       Hoy en nuestra parroquia celebramos la fiesta de la Inmaculada Concepción de la Divina Providencia. Celebramos como Dios en su providente gobierno del universo preveía, anticipaba y preparaba a la virgen María para ser   la Madre de Cristo.   El amor de Dios no es que nosotros amamos a Dios sino que primero Dios nos amó.   El amor de Dios fue previsto, anticipado y preparado. EL ARGUMENTO Para entender bien la Inmaculada Concepción es necesario entender lo que es el pecado original. El pecado original es como la deuda externa.   Personalmente no somos responsables por contratar la deuda del gobierno pero sufrimos las consecuencias.   El pecado original como la deuda externa no solamente es malo en sí pero también es la causa de otros males. ¿Y exactamente qué es el pecado original?   Permítame a intentar a explicar: Primero Dios nos ...

Saint Joseph Pignatelli – A patron saint of vocations

Saint Joseph Pignatelli – A patron saint of vocations. Voltaire the ideologue of the French Revolution said: “Once that we have destroyed the Jesuits, then we will have an open line of attack against the Infamous Thing”. “The Infamous Thing” of course was the whole Church. The order of St. Ignatius seemed then to be the most formidable bastion of Catholic principles.   The masons considered the Society of Jesus as the light cavalry of the Church.      In 1767 the masons pushed European rulers to expel the Jesuits from their countries. King Charles III of Spain gave into the Masonic demands and expelled the Jesuits from Spain and her colonies. Four years before the Young Joseph Pignatelli was ordained a Jesuit priest in his native Zaragoza Spain. The Pignatellis were a noble family of Naples Italy. So when Pope Clement XIV, a conventual Franciscan, suppressed the Society of Jesus by the bull Dominus ac Redemptor of the 21 July 1773 Joseph went to liv...

The revenge of Stanislaus Kostka

When Fr. David Collins, S.J. was a novice being the youngest of the novitiate class of 87 he had the duty according to Jesuit custom to preach at the community Mass on the feast of Stanislaus Kostka.   Not having much devotion for the Saint, and being a no-nonsense type who had little tolerance for the flowery hagiography he found in the Wernersville novitiate library he was at a quandary as to what to say.   His solution was to talk about how God works in the saints.   His sermon was something like this: Stanislaus Kostka was an insipid 16th century boy saint. I have little devotion for such saints. Having delicate health and being overly sensitive to vulgar language are not traits that recommend themselves to a 20 th century Catholic. What I find interesting is how God worked in this young man and converted him into a saint. The consolation is that if God could convert Stanislaus Kostka into a saint he can convert us into saints too. Young novice Collins sol...