Equilibrio Católico La Cuaresma se abre con el impactante rito de la ceniza y de la consigna “Memento, homo, quia pulvis es, et in pulverem reverteris” = “Recuerda hombre eres polvo y a polvo volverás” . Palabras, que a pesar de ser repetidos año tras años no recordamos. El hombre es un criatura que olvida. Muchas veces olvidamos las cosas importantes y recordamos los detalles de poca importancia. La autosuficiencia, la seguridad, la fuerza física y la juventud alejan el pensamiento del inevitable fin. No nos gusta recordar lo que debemos. Pero con la aparición de este coronovirus muchos olvidadizos tienen que recordar de la muerte. Es cierto que hay otras enfermedades mucho más mortíferas. Es cierto que a cientos de miles de personas cada día mueren de hambre y del crimen del aborto. Sin embargo estos muertes y peligros no llaman la atención. Nuestra cultura de muerte nos hace insensibles. Pero curiosamente frente a este pe...
Mostrando entradas de marzo, 2020
Letter from a distraught Catholic
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Here is a letter from a Catholic wife and mother upset at being refused communion on the tongue during the supposed CV-19 crisis "No, you can’t order the faithful to receive Communion in the hand." Reading this got me all fired up again! I had no idea that even the bishop can't take this right away. Thank you so much for sending this ! I will do as much as I can to fight this and get others to. I expect the CDW [ congregation for divine worship] will be getting a ton of complaints, mine will be one of them, and they will hopefully address this in the future. THEY WILL NOT BE GETTING TO THAT FILE SOON WITH ROME UNDER LOCKDOWN. I can't explain to you the suffering of these past few days for so many different reasons, but all of it boils down to the underlying disobedience, lack of devotion, and cowardice of our shepherds and fathers who have literally taken Him away from us. They hold Him in their hand and with a false power and authority absolut...
Homilía segundo domingo de la Cuaresma
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Introducción: A) San Juan Pablo II firmó la encíclica Veritatis splendor el 6 de agosto de 1993, la fiesta de la Transfiguración. Son importantes las fechas en que firman los documentos de la Iglesia. B) La encíclica Veritatis splendor trata de la teología moral y la teología moral es la ciencia que estudia como vivir la vida cristiana. Pues, al elegir esta fecha el Santo Padre quiso resaltar la importancia del misterio de la transfiguración del Señor para entender la vivencia de la vida cristiana. C) Con este mismo motivo la Iglesia siempre lee el evangelio de la transfiguración el secundo domingo de cuaresma . Es una costumbre de más de mil años. 1) Pues el misterio de la transfiguración es importante para nuestras vidas místicas y morales. Imago Dei: A) Para comprender la transfiguración conviene comenzar c...
A letter from a victim of liturgical violence
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This is a letter I received from a Catholic woman in Florida. My comments are in red . It's been rough days over here. I don't know what's going on over there regarding the corona virus and the Eucharist, but local priests over here are taking advantage of the caution being asked for by the bishop and are refusing to give Holy Communion on the tongue. In our two local parishes we have been forbidden to receive on the tongue. I ended up receiving the Precious Blood instead. Which is curious because in that diocese the Bishop asked that communion be given only in the form of the Body of Christ and that the fundamental doctrine that the whole of Christ, body, blood, soul and divinity are received under the species of his body - the consecrated host. I spoke with the chancery at the bishop's office yesterday and asked him if this was allowed. He said that the bishop never revoked the right to receive on the tongue....
Edward Pentin
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https://edwardpentin.co.uk/debate-intensifies-over-benedict-xvis-resignation-and-role-as-pope-emeritus/ Edward Pentin an important journalist who covers the Catholic Church writes about the growing concern about the legitimacy of the resignation of Pope Benedict. This of course has implications about the papacy of Jorge Bergoglio. Jesuits need to be up to date on this debate. The matter of who is pope is important to members of the Society given that they take a vow of obedience to the Pope.