It is is objectively wrong to affirm that taking the “Covid vaccine” is a good act and is an act of love.
The object or act in itself is the receiving of what is vulgarly called a vaccine but in reality is a genetic experimental treatment that has never been tried before. This treatment was developed in all most every case using tissues taken from a living baby before killing her. Paying for and using such a treatment would be at least the remote indirect material participation in an evil act. It would not be a formal participation in most cases because the consumer of this treatment does not desire the death of the aborted child but only the supposed protecting benefits. The CDF thinks that this permissible in times of a grave crisis when no other product is available. With the caveat that Christians should oppose such experiments and research. The thinking of the congregation is that the immoral act is remote. The abortion occurred years ago and the existing stem cell line is already established there is nothing we can do about it.
But the immoral act is not so remote, it is more than just benefiting from an historical misdeed. It is the present real-time direct participation in evil by supporting economically an industry that gets rich off of aborted babies. It is not just a remote original act that is evil it is the continuing evil of the industry based on that evil. A man’s opposition to car theft sounds hollow if he goes to the junk yard that he know gets parts from chop shops to get parts for his car. That would mean that he has a moral opposition until I can get a benefit from a collateral effect of the immoral act.
Buying or having someone else buy the Covid vaccine for you is the direct material participation in evil by paying for a product of an evil industry. It is like buying pornography. It may not be the formal participation in sex slavery but it direct material participation in sex slavery. It is direct because businesses will not produce products if there is no demand. Every vaccine bought like every click on a porn site increases the demand curve. If there is no demand there is no motive to produce the product.
The end which in this case is the prolongation of life would seem to be good. But it is not the absolute good. It is good in proportion to other goods. It may help to prolong some lives, but it is not certain that it does so. It is certain however that buying this pharmaceutical product incentivizes producers to take of other lives. One is trading a possibly longer life of some people for the certain death of innocent children that fall victim to the fetal stem cell industry. These are not past deaths that are out of our control they are present and future deaths that we can control. It seems then that the end does not justify the means.
The Circumstances also must be good for an act to be good. The world is enveloped in a purported pandemic. It is not clear that that is the situation is as bad as the media and government pretend it is. The fires of panic have been fanned by persons and entities that have vested interests in public hysteria. The numbers don’t add up. What motive is there to take a morally questionable vaccine that is supposed to but not proven to prevent a disease that has a 0.05 infection fatality rate in persons under 70 years old? (
Even fuzzy thinkers might admit that love is not a feeling. To love is to seek the true good for the beloved. The least we can say is that it is not clear that taking the vaccine is good. Therefore, it is also not clear that it is an act of love. But even more can be affirmed. Taking the vaccine is objectively not good and is objectively not an act of love.
The Coronaphobia that the media and politicians have produced has caused many to feel as if they are drowning in a sea of virus. The drowning man often will grab his would be rescuer and pull him under the water killing him. While panic would mitigate the guilt of the drowning man we cannot pretend that this is the model for sound moral judgment. Phobias, hysterias and panics are irrational fears. A moral thinker must keep his head when all about him are losing theirs and blaming it on him.
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